Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Michael Pearson
               The Rules that dictate the behavior of men and women that are in relationships are how they

commute each other in ways they like. Also how they presents the value of honesty and trust. How each

one another cares about them so deeply. In Relationships both men and women deserves to be treated the

right way towards one other, and how when they are to together they always know that in life with each

other they put the "I"s for Us. Mostly that directs towards Marriages. In relationships not only the person is

the one that you love so much, that person is also is your true friend. One thing that clearly violets rules in

relationships is betrayal, in many relationships many spouses hides many secrets towards their love ones.

Also in relationships many people don't appreciate what others that they love do for them. The thing that

nice girls don't sometime appreciate what others do for them and feels that they be left out.


           All of these rules always will be in relationships forever in everyone lives. It also based how you

learn and experience those rules. Love in relationships can be a fickle thing to see but it's what comes in

someone's heart. I do know that those rules do apply everywhere and even if there's relationships or not.

The Consequences of breaking those rules either ending the relationship or having a long 


break from one another.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for creating this blog with the right header. I would like to see the assignment posted along so people who visit your Blog can see the nature of the assignment. You were required to post the questions, answers to questions, images, and works cited page. Please find time to proof read and make the necessary edits. Remember the whole world can see your work.
    Ms. Hyde
